Monday, July 25, 2011

110725 Yesung Twitter Update : Please Give a lot of Love

@shfly34247월 26일 내일!! 여의도KBS앞 더샵아일랜드파크건물에 예성이네가 함께하는 Handel and Gretel 커피숍이오픈해요 여러분들의무한사랑부탁드릴께요~~!!!

[TRANS] Tomorrow July 26th!! In front of Yeodo KBS building, at the Island Park, Yesung's 'Handel and Gretel' coffee shop will be opened. Everyone please give it a lot of love~~!!
Translated By: YesungCenter

He Tweeted this before he tweeted  : "Right Here!!"
I'm so sorry for the wrong post order ^^

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