Wednesday, July 13, 2011

110713 Yesung Twitter Update

오늘은 장혜진누나와함께부른 듀엣곡(그대뒤에 있습니다)가 공개되는날입니다^^ 녹음을너무너무빨리해서 걱정되지만.. 그래두 많이사랑해주시길...ㅎㅎ
[TRANS] Today is the day to release the duet song(I'm right behind you) that I sing together with Jang Hyejin noona^^ We recorded it in a very hurry time so I'm worry.. but still I hope you show a lot of love to it...ㅎㅎ

Translated by : Jinn8812elf@twitter

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